Clinical Psychology remains to provide continuing and comprehensive mental and behavioural health care for individuals and families. It is a medical science branch with multiple diversities and unique systems aiming for treatment.

What falls into the scope of Clinical Psychology?

Disabilities and discomfort from minor adjustment issues to severe psychopathology fall in the subject matter of clinical psychology. Intellectual, emotional, psychological, social, and behavioural maladjustment are increasing amongst all age groups.

Research studies focus on bringing out the causes. They work on providing more comprehensive and catering to individual needs diagnosis and treatment procedures. Amongst many other factors responsible for Psychological disorders, the modern lifestyle remains to be an active contributor. Too much stress and a few psychiatric problems like anxiety and depression are not uncommon. It is essential to pay attention to these problems at the initial stage to prevent aversive situations and consequences.

Depression symptoms include sadness of mood, crying spells, decrease interest, tiredness, suicidal thoughts, and less or excessive sleep. Often victims do not talk about these symptoms and may fail to understand these physiological and emotional changes. Seeking an expert’s help is an advisory and wise step.

Anxiety is another problem that comes with warning signs like excessive worry, palpitations, and restlessness, sweating, trembling, and racing thoughts. Anxiety disorder is different from experiencing anxiety about moving to a new place, starting a new job, or taking a test. It is intense that persists and prevents you from doing daily activities. The psychiatrist to treat anxiety work to maintain balance brain chemistry prevents episodes of anxiety, and ward off the most severe symptoms of the disorder. They use therapies, medications and recommend lifestyle changes to reduce and lower it.


Bipolar affective disorder makes the person go through a mental health condition that causes extreme mood swings. A person sometimes experiences emotional highs and, many times, sudden lows. The emotional highs make a person experience an exciting mood, overspending, more talkative, decreased need for sleep, and easily agitated or angry.  Emotional lows make a person feel a low mood, death wishes, fatigue, and Loss of interest. Experts can help you overcome the imbalance of emotions through a treatment plan and psychological counselling.

Obsessive-Compulsive disorder follows a pattern of unwanted thoughts and fears that make the person repeat his behaviour. If it is severe, it causes unpleasing thoughts and worries to haunt the mind time and again. It often leads to suspicious behaviour like fear of contamination of germs and dirt, needing things orderly and symmetrical, checking locks, gas, Excessive hand washing. Repetitive, automatic, and negative thoughts make a person perform one action again and again. A person suffering from OCD needs help from experts. They can help prevent the quality of life of the OCD victim through medication plans and therapeutic measures.

Substance abuse disorders are when you continue to use the drug due to your addiction to it, irrespective of the damage it causes. Drugs vary when it comes to how fast they cause addiction. Some opioid painkillers have a higher risk and lead to addiction more quickly than others. Increasing drug use makes it difficult to go without the drug. Attempts to stop the drug use cause intense cravings and make you feel physically ill. Here comes the role of the de-addiction centres family, friends, support groups that help organize and implement treatment programs to overcome drug addiction and stay drug-free.

Why select Ashoka Hospital?

Clinical psychology subjects vary from mild to severe. They need intensive care and customized treatment plans catering to individual needs and concerns.

Ashoka Hospital provides a reputed and prestigious Mental Health setup in Punjab since 1979. It has a name in Offering Consultations, Psychotherapies, and Assessments for a variety of Psychiatric Disorders. It has team members who have expertise in treating Addiction, substance abuse disorders, Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar disorder, OCD, Schizophrenia, and other disorders that fall into the category of clinical psychology.