Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, a complex neurodevelopment disorder, affects children. It restricts their ability to concentrate and causes emotional turmoil in them. Autism in the early stages causes the same problems and similar symptoms. Therefore often, the two conditions are confused but, the two are different.
Who can help you deal with ADHD and Autism?
Child behaviour disorder specialists, through diagnostic parameters, can distinguish and recommend a suitable treatment for any of the problems. It is essential to approach the specialist to understand the underlying condition. General paediatricians and physicians may not be able to design treatment plans that benefit managing ADHD and Autism.
Ashoka hospital has specialized services for Child and Adolescent Mental Health addressing, ADHD, Autism, Learning Disabilities, Behavioural problems. Experts employ different behavioural techniques and customize treatment plans. It helps in lessening the severity of symptoms and managing the severity of ADHD and autism.
Our Treatment Approaches.
Counselling sessions and specially designed activity curriculum facilitate the learning and task-doing abilities.
Therapy sessions include experts focusing on developing communication skills. Working on emotional and intellectual growth by helping autistic people learns skills around communication and emotions.
Visual cues-based treatment is more beneficial in such cases. At Ashoka hospital, trainers teach basic life skill activities through demonstration.
Each child or adult suffering from autism is different and needs one-to-one therapy. Ashoka Hospital has a team working together comprehensively to provide noticeable results, making it easy for caretakers to deal with Autistic people.